I'm going to pepper this entry with pretty pictures we've taken even if they have nothing to do with my current post because, let's face it, these are easier to get through if you have pictures.

(Jennifer Baute as "Claire")
Things are going very well for us. We've set shoot dates for May 16th/17th and 23/24th. These are a bigger deal for us than other shoot dates for a few reasons.
Cory Driscoll, who plays Aidan and lives in Florida, is coming out to L.A. for about a week and a half and we'll be shooting many of the major scenes with his character, including those at the Foster Bowl (Amphitheater) and the Ventura Pier. We're getting Cory's scenes in large chunks, so hopefully it will only take two or three visits to get him wrapped out. Aidan is a major character, so that's tricky.

("The Foster Bowl" Amphitheater)

(The Ventura Pier)
Also, we'll be shooting all the scenes involving Jack's father, who is not yet cast. Michelle has been spending her days pouring over LA Casting to find people to audition for John Spencer and I have rented out the
NoHo Actor's Studio in order to read them this Sunday. (Side note, if you know any non-SAG 40-Something "sporty dad" types that might be interested, please send them our way.)

(Michelle is taking all the set pictures so far, so I took the liberty of creating this mock-up so she can feel included in the photos here.)
Tonight Dave and Jermaine will be meeting with Michelle and myself at our place (Michelle is making banana bread) to go over any last minute things we need to look into before our 3 weeks of prep kicks into high gear.

(Jermaine (left) and Dave (right) because I know you wanted to make sure they were as sexy as I described.)
Austin and Kelsey will be meeting up with Jermaine and Dave to take a look at their places. Jermaine's room will more than likely become our Jack's Bedroom set, and Dave's house will become 'Jack's House'. We're stoked to have finally decided on these locations, even if they were right in front of us the whole time, because finding Jack's House has reportedly been keeping Jermaine up at night.

(Austin working her camera voodoo)
Hopefully we will find our John Spencer on Sunday and the last major piece of prepro before these shoot dates will have fallen into place before we get entirely into paperwork and scheduling and just generally spending lots of money (ugh).

(Me... "directing" Aidan... while Austin makes sure the camera continues to work it's magic)
Also, Aidan Bristow, who plays 'Jack' was fitted for his cast on Monday. Jack has a broken arm for the entirety of our story, so it was nice to get that important bit of prop making underway. I wasn't there for it, but I heard it was a blast.

(Aidan being fitted for his cast by the
Illusion Man himself, Mr. Scott Connor)
Also, yes, we have an actor named Aidan and character named Aidan. This will get confusing at some point, so you'll probably have to read closely. Strangely, this 'actors and characters with the same names, but not played by the same person' thing has pretty much happened to me on two other movies, so it's becoming an odd trend.
Oh yes, and Mike Kangaju is playing 'Mike Fisher', so just calling him 'Mike' will make life a little easier, I suppose.
We're hoping to cut a trailer together once these May weekends have been completed and with this trailer, drum up additional funding to complete the more expensive school scenes in the later Summer. If you've got a few bucks to spare, don't be afraid to head on over to our
IndieGoGo site and chip in. We'll love ya for it.
I suppose that wraps it up for this entry. More to come soon. (That's what he said.)